Thursday, November 6, 2014

Howard University School of Education Lecture - Colloquium Series

Capturing the moment I attended my very first lecture on the campus of Howard University! In addition, capturing the man who changed my perspective on education and taught me to question the validity of data! 

Soon after I arrived in Washington, D.C. as an unpaid intern for the U.S. Department of Education and was a resident at the Heritage Foundation I met Dr. Ivory Toldson after walking up to him in order to introduce myself after one of his speeches.

If you do not know of him, I implore you to google his name along with the 'White House' and get familiar.

As a non-traditional full-time doctoral student who had to maintain multiple jobs, etc. in order to be a volunteer for 8 months and still pay rent, he inspired me by spending one hour with me educating me on what I could do.

Now I am a Reviewer & Interviewer for The Journal of Negro Education where he serves as, Editor-in-Chief, amongst his many other responsibilities.

I encourage those in education in any capacity (parents, teachers, students, supporters, etc.) of all colors and creeds to utilize this journal!

Sincerely, Natascha Saunders,


Tags: #Education #HU #Howard #Lecture #JNE #Journal #JournalofEducation

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