Single Women it's time to Manage Your Money!

FINANCES: As a single, unmarried female managing my own finances
through starting a business, switching jobs, and declining contracts so I
can focus on being a full-time student things get really tight.
Sometimes I decline going out not because I don’t want to go but because
whenever I do I always spend $$ which reduces my budget. It could be a
$25 meal or a $4 train ride that I could have saved to get to my unpaid
When bills, insurance, medical, student loans etc.
come it’s ONLY ME that has to write the check based on my income, just
like some of you! So I wanted to share a reminder so I can be of support
to the other single, young women coming up after me, to which I’ve
received many private messages. WE are moving up the corporate or
academic ladder. WE are finishing up our degrees or starting our
businesses. WE are doing our own hair, our own nails, and recycling the
same dress 5 times trying to make it look different…..but it’s only
temporary!!!! I promise!!!
REMEMBER: WE have to prioritize purchases, prioritize our giving, save money, and say NO. I promise this will not be forever!

“Single Women it's time to Manage Your Money!”— Good thinking, Natascha. It's always a matter of self-control over your money. We can say that money is always there because we work for it. But the thing is, we often forget to save some for the future use after getting our salary.