10 JOB APPLICATION TIPS By: Natascha Saunders, MBA, MS
Read these tips carefully. You may think you already know this stuff but be sure because it may be the difference in you getting the job.
1.Greet the receptionist politely when requesting or submitting an application
2.Always dress professional when requesting or submitting an application even if using their computer to fill it out online
3.Read the entire application before you begin, if possible (If not just read each question carefully.)
4.Use Blue or Black Ink (If on a computer, take your time and type with no errors)
5.Write neat (If on a computer, use caps only where needed & proper punctuation. No short hand like lol, lmao)
6.Apply for a specific position, meaning a position and/or department
7.Leave no blanks. Write N/A if Not Applicable
8.Explain gaps in employment such as: attended school, travel abroad
9.Have copies of your resume, so you can have the dates (month, day, year) of employment and complete company names. Research their addresses. (You will also need your social security number, and references.)
10.Be sure to sign and date the application
Extra notes:
* Your address should be where you get mail.
* Your telephone number with an area should have a professional voice message at the very least business hours. For example USA: 7am-7pm
* In the salary desired field write open or negotiable *(if you have to list, you should did your research ahead of time, for example on salary.com or check with your schools career services office).
* If asked for a reason why you left your previous job, use positive statements like: to take a job with more responsibility, moved/relocation, seasonal opportunity, or returned to school.
* Never say, fired, quit, late, hated it, or did not like the manager.
* Do not wrinkle or spill anything on the application.
* Check your spelling.
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