Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
G (Decide to GET more out of life. What do you want to do? What do you want to be?)
O (Outline your steps) 1, 2, 3 4
A (Allow for advice but be selective on who you ask)
L (Learn your craft) you do this by – using resources available including people
S (Be specific, loose 10 lbs, a new house 4 bedrooms, a man/woman who has personality & success :-)
E (Encouragement) Apply this to yourself and have a cheering team. Find someone you trust that can offer you encouragement.
TT (Time to Think) – just think about where you are & how what you’ve done now is an accomplishment. Think about the improvements you’ve made. Every time you make a decision during the day, ask yourself this question, “Does it take me closer to, or further from my goal?” If the answer is “closer to,’ then you’ve made the right decision. If the answer is “further from,” well, you know what to do.
I (Internal Check) Assess the impact of this change.. Think of the ‘What IFs? What will happen if you achieve your goal? How will you feel if you do not? Are you willing to keep going if it takes you longer than you expected?
N (N - End date, Putting an end point on your goal gives you a clear target to work towards. (next week – 3 months, senior year) time management
G (Go for it!) – like Nike – just do it.
By: Natascha Saunders, The Career Coach
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
60 Second *1 take ~ Unrehearsed pitch* to Interview NFL Star Richard Seymour
I speak a lot about young professionals being able to give 30-60 second elevator pitches on the spot with no practice. If you were walking down the street and ran into: Oprah, Diddy, Obama, Jonas Brothers, Jennifer Lopez, Priyanka Chopra, Lucy Liu, Donald Trump or Jack Welch what would you say?
Well, the above clip is a sample of an 'on the spot pitch' sportscaster audition to interview Richard Seymour when he played for the New England Patriots!
Comcast approached me as I was walking to the game and asked me if I wanted to audition to interview Richard Seymour but I only had 60 seconds to think of something as the cameras were rolling. So this is what I came up with in less than 60 seconds. Talk about thinking on my feet!!!
City Line, Channel ABC
Interviewed by Host Karen Holmes Ward from City Line, Channel ABC regarding the student job market, along with a VP from Robert Half.

10 JOB APPLICATION TIPS By: Natascha Saunders, MBA, MS
Read these tips carefully. You may think you already know this stuff but be sure because it may be the difference in you getting the job.
1.Greet the receptionist politely when requesting or submitting an application
2.Always dress professional when requesting or submitting an application even if using their computer to fill it out online
3.Read the entire application before you begin, if possible (If not just read each question carefully.)
4.Use Blue or Black Ink (If on a computer, take your time and type with no errors)
5.Write neat (If on a computer, use caps only where needed & proper punctuation. No short hand like lol, lmao)
6.Apply for a specific position, meaning a position and/or department
7.Leave no blanks. Write N/A if Not Applicable
8.Explain gaps in employment such as: attended school, travel abroad
9.Have copies of your resume, so you can have the dates (month, day, year) of employment and complete company names. Research their addresses. (You will also need your social security number, and references.)
10.Be sure to sign and date the application
Extra notes:
* Your address should be where you get mail.
* Your telephone number with an area should have a professional voice message at the very least business hours. For example USA: 7am-7pm
* In the salary desired field write open or negotiable *(if you have to list, you should did your research ahead of time, for example on or check with your schools career services office).
* If asked for a reason why you left your previous job, use positive statements like: to take a job with more responsibility, moved/relocation, seasonal opportunity, or returned to school.
* Never say, fired, quit, late, hated it, or did not like the manager.
* Do not wrinkle or spill anything on the application.
* Check your spelling.

10 INTERVIEWING TIPS By: Natascha Saunders, MBA, MS
1. ASK QUESTIONS It will help you decide if you want the job, it also shows that you are really interested in the company.
2. RESEARCH Check out their website for their mission, departments, headline news, etc. You will look like you did your homework.
3. SWAGGER Get a good night sleep and eat a good breakfast or lunch. Then brush your teeth, use mouthwash & floss.
4. DRESS Make sure you are dressed appropriately nothing tight, hanging, showing, dirty, wrinkled, no perfume or cologne or very, very light (someone may be allergic) etc.
5. BE EARLY 15 minutes is on time (not too early) & on time is late!
6. RESUME & REFERENCE COPIES Carry them in a folder with pen and paper.
7. MANNERS Firm handshake and wait to be asked to take a seat. Sit up straight, do not fidget, don not scratch, do not touch your face/nose, socks, belt, hair etc.
8. EYE CONTACT Shows honesty and confidence but do not stare
9. PAY ATTENTION & BE CONFIDENT Do not over do it but its okay to talk about your accomplishments (have proof if you can; such as a career portfolio)
10. THANK YOU NOTE E-mail, stationary or card
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
What is your Passion?

PASSION is something you'd do even if you didn't get paid for it...
When I was in college, I loved to answer questions from friends and family regarding what to wear for a job interview, how did I find a temp agency for work, how to edit a resume or what career they should pursue. I'd go online and spend hours looking at sample resumes on Resume Edge, reviewing internships, or looking up positions on Monster.
So much so I designed my own major in college entitled, Independent Image Consulting. I wanted to help clients with image, budgets and with fitness.
I say the 3 loves of my life all begin with F's: FASHION, FITNESS and FINANCE.
Yet it wouldn't feel like work because it was very interesting to me to learn what was professionally acceptable and which companies had jobs available.
I realized then that giving advice and keeping up with industry trends was a passion.
Your passion can also be found through life experiences.
In all situations we learn lessons we can share with others.
I also have a passion for encouraging young girls who were victims of physical abuse and children who have witnessed domestic violence. These are some of my painful memories that I've turned into a positive story to share - it's never to late to rewrite your story.
Trust me I did!
So what will you write?
What are you passionate about?

Engaging youngster's interests to instill good work ethics and job pride
By: Michele Zipp
What do your kids want to be when they grow up? If the typical answer ranges from Superman to Dora the Explorer, you are not alone. But how can you really get the kids to even think about career possibilities when all they want to do is play dress up in your power suit?
We went to NATASCHA SAUNDERS, Youth Career Coach, for the top five tips to get kids excited about work. Saunders has mentored thousands of students on everything from career selection to excelling at interviewing.
5 Tips To Help Your Children Become Career Minded
1. Introduce ideas and concepts. Read your kids stories and identifying the characters that have professional roles. Take them to museums where they have exhibits created by artists, photographers, and physicians. Purchase educational board games that stimulate their mind. Go on field trips to fire stations, zoos, bakeries, and sports arenas. Share what you do at work give them examples or tell it in a story format on how you helped someone today. Visit the library with them to find books on different career interests.
2. Evaluate your child's skills, interests, abilities, and habits. Be attentive to their behavior patterns. "I noticed very early on my niece was really good at counting and noticing price differences when we'd purchase something at the store," Saunders says. "She could say how much things were discounted. These are skills that can be nurtured early on."
Notice if your child loves to talk, perform, or seems to enjoy drawing or any other activity so you can support it. Be open to feedback from family and friends that are in different professions than you they could notice traits in your children as well.
Maintain a list of the books your children reads, with dates, and note which ones are of special interest to them. Keep a diary where you record observations of your child's activities and accomplishments of particular significance, and record ideas for the future.
3. Support their activities. The earlier you involve your child in school activities, the better. Listen to the input of teachers/counselors. Listen to your gut when you think your child may excel in a particular area and help foster that growth. "I have a cousin who is only seven-years-old, who is already a local champion on her swim team," she shares.
Place your kids in activities that would support their skills and/or interests. If they are active, consider martial arts. "I started at five-years-old and it taught me discipline and gave me confidence. I even competed on a national level." Consider play groups with other children, joining kids clubs, enrolling them in camp, or having them take lessons. "Camps also taught me etiquette at a very early age."
Utilize resources such as They provide assessments, books, and articles on a variety of topics for kids at all ages. provides links and great resources for K-8. The site explains careers for children in NASA, FCC, Fire Safety, and more.
4. Teach them the basics. Give your children chores early on such as cleaning and putting away toys to teach responsibility, organizational skills, and how to set routines. Have them shadow you, dad, or other relatives at work. "I started at nine-years-old and helped my mom with filing, stuffing envelops, and delivery packages around the office. It became the first item I listed on my resume."
Open your child's mind up to careers that exist in sectors other than your own. Play pretend for example, play doctor or chef. This helps children develop abstract thought and social skills. It builds self-confidence because they learn how to express themselves and deal with situations.
5. Encouragement! Use supportive words because kids do remember. Let them know they can be anything they want to be by only using positive statements. Help them to change any negative words about themselves to positive statements. Speak life, success, and prosperity into their lives. Tell them how successful that are and how smart they are they will believe it!
Who am I & What is my Passion

My passion serves the needs of young people which then impacts society.
My passion serves the lives of students, drop-outs, teen moms, young fathers, gang members, youth departments, rich and poor.
My passion has no boundaries, no color lines and no bias.
My passion saves lives, changes self-images, improves self-esteem, motivates and will start a movement. I give hope where there is not. I give inspiration to those that see no way out and I plant a seed in the heart of every young person I encounter. This seed is then grown through many meetings where I dig deep into their past, uncover their dreams, discover their values and beliefs, in order to show them how to set goals and establish a pattern of accomplishments.
My passion has been demonstrated: on a ship of 500, in a cafeteria of 100, in a classroom of 30, in a boardroom of 10, and in an office 1 on 1. My passion is demonstrated wherever the need presents itself. It is demonstrated by my actions, by my image, by giving a motivational speech, by editing a resume through fax, by sending research information over the internet, chatting on a blog, IM on F/B or taking calls in the middle of the night.
There is no time limit or time table where I demonstrate my passion.
Have you uncovered what my passion is?
I am a Career Coach!
However, it is not just my passion, nor is it just something that I do, but it is who I AM!
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