Sunday, May 22, 2016

Natascha Saunders, Theme for this week is 'Mastery' 5/22 - 5/28

This week we focus on, 'Mastery'!

Are you a master of anything? How do you define mastery?
How do you know you have reached the level of mastery?

Reach out to me here or on twitter @TaschaSaunders and let me know...

#quoteoftheday #quoteoftheweek #theme #careers #leadership #entreprenuership

Friday, May 20, 2016

Students 25 Things to Do the Summer Before College

The amazing Jessica Velasco - writes this great article on her blog entitled, "25 Things to Do the Summer Before College"! #Parents #Students should have a read. 

Here is the beginning and the link to read the entire piece: 
The summer before college can be so exciting and intimidating all at once. Between now and the time you arrive on campus, you will be busy! Enjoy your time off because you deserve it, but don’t forget about these 25 items to prepare for college.
Tie up loose ends
  1. Make arrangements for your final high school transcript to be sent to your future college.
  2. Submit AP and/or IB test scores.

Click HERE to read the entire article