Sunday, December 30, 2012

Our Journey is not yet finished!

“We’ve awakened today because our story is not yet finished; our journeys have not yet been fulfilled.”   by Natascha Saunders @AskTheJobCoach

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Are you ending 2012 still on your grind?


2012  ~ IS NOT OVER YET - so plan to end it on your grind!

Professional Development Tips to use right now before 2013 comes into play!


By: Natascha @AskTheJobCoach Saunders
 We must use our time wisely’.

The year is winding down, and soon we’ll be saying ‘Happy New Year’. Did you make any promises to yourself that you were going to accomplish a few things before the year ended? Are you happy with what you’ve accomplished thus far? If you are great, congratulations stay the course. However, for those that could use a little push from the career coach, here are 5 tips to get back on Your Grind:

1.     Take inventory. Accept where you are, reflect on the past, create a plan to address it, determine what you need to surpass it and keep moving!

2.     Know when to move on. This is tough in relationships or in a job. However, try this – stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself, “Is what I am holding onto really where I should be?
Need motivation - I'm here for you!

3.     Find some ‘motivation’. You need ‘motivation’ to support you when those not so good days arise. Determine who or what can provide that motivation and set up a regular check’ in.

4.     Manage your cipher. My mentor, Attorney Joe Feaster said, ‘We have partners, friends, and associates and then there are people we just know.’ Categorize the people in your life. Determine how much time you give out and under what circumstance.

5.     Take a break from the calls, text, email & social media. Trust me this is hard but productivity is lost. Consider downloading a program on your computer to limit the amount of time you spend online (like Leechblock).

Implement these  5 Tips to Get Back on Your Grind because the year is not over yet, so let’s see what you can do! If you discover that you could use some advice, then reach out to Natascha on Twitter @AskTheJobCoach.


01-26-12 Season 4 EP1 from ABF Video Pro on Vimeo.


BONUS - 2013 VISION JOURNALS AND GOAL SETTING JOURNALS FOR ANYONE THAT FOLLOWS Natascha @AskTheJobCoach - and emails with 'Send Free Journals' in subject line.

Natascha F. Saunders, M.S.,MBA
Certified Professional Career Coach
CEO, The Youth Career Coach Inc.
Member, Young Professionals Network of the ULEM
Visit for FREE RESOURCES (Resume Template, Interviewing Tips, Networking, Negotiation Links)