Saturday, October 27, 2012

Natascha Saunders, Certified Professional Career Coach


Boston Youth Summer 2013 Job Program, Deadline 12/7/12

BOSTON: Youth Enrichment Services (YES) is now accepting applications for our Career Exploration Program, a sought-after job readiness program that guarantees youth a summer 2013 job placement! 
The program runs from January 2013 through August 2013. Students over 14 years of age are eligible to apply and must commit to all three components:
12-Weeks of Job Readiness Workshops
Tuesdays from 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. starting January 8th through March 26th
Workshop topics include: professionalism, resume writing, interviewing techniques, computer program applications, job search, and office tasks
Develop a professional portfolio upon completion of the workshops
Week-long Internship
An UNPAID internship the week of April 16-19 (spring recess) at the YES Office
Support YES Staff on administrative tasks practicing skills learned
Summer Job Placement
A PAID job (25 hours per week for 6 weeks between July - August)
Job placements consists of a variety of fields including healthcare facilities, schools, corporations, etc.
Career Exploration Program Applications and transcripts are due by DECEMBER 7th and can be mailed, faxed, or dropped off at 412 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02118 attention to Rachada Hiranyaket. For more information, contact Rachada at 617-267-5877 ext. 16 or email Inquire about presentations on the YES Career Exploration Program at your school!  

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

End of 2012 Career Coaching Offers.....Resume Edits, LinkedIn Critiques


Holidays are fast approaching!Thus, I'd love to make sure everyone ends this year the best we can and is able to begin the New Year with their branding materials in place.

If you'd like a resume critique, LinkedIn Profile review or general career advice ~ I will be offering those services from October 19th - November 15th. See flyer below.... please feel free to share.

In service,
Natascha Saunders, Certified Career Coach | |
Phone: 401-400-0JOB (562) Email: